Thursday, September 22, 2011

Weight Loss Programs for Men Differ from Mobility plans to Sustenance That’s consumed

Although the concept of designing Weight Loss Programs for Men is much newer than counterpart programs for the female gender, they are becoming more and more plentiful. Programs designed to help men lose weight differ markedly from programs built on the idea of helping women lose weight.

Common denominators in a preponderance of weight loss programs designed specifically for men include preferred foods to eat and avoid, and exercise. combines both exercise and food consumption in that Web site’s five tips for men to lose weight. The top five suggestions for men to lose weight, according to at No. 5 and moving down on the list--include cutting one’s beer and/or wine consumption in half; eating a healthy snack at about 4 p.m.; drinking volumes of water as a substitute for soda or juices; eating smaller portions of food; and working out at home, instead of in gyms.

A totally different approach for men to lose weight is taken by the well-known company Nutrisystem, which is newer to men’s weight loss programs than most might think. In addition to the basic 28-day weight loss plan for men Nutrisystem is known for, the company has developed new plans to serve the needs of men in excess of 65 years of age and vegetarians. A huge assortment of healthy meals are available for purchase by men using Nutrisystem services.

The Web site offers added information in regards to the matter of men losing weight.

In the words of

* There’s been a sudden increase in online men’s weight-loss sites

* The prime motivation for men to lose weight is health

* Men are more motivated and goal-driven to lose weight than women

* Online weight plans for men give them flexibility

* Major online programs for men deliver food high in fiber, low in sugar

Yet another suggested means for men to lose weight comes via the Sensa Weight-Loss System. The Sensa Web site says Dr. Alan Hirsch spent 25 years developing this weight-loss program which, according to the site, is based on what he calls Sensa Tastant Technology. In essence, those who wish to utilize this program can purchase Sensa Tastant which, after being ingested through one’s nose, according to the Web site, eventually will stimulate the release of hormones from the pituitary gland and significantly inhibit one’s appetite.

You may not know it, but there exists a WeightWatchers program designed specifically for men. Partly because of the name familiarity of WeightWatchers, the men’s WeightWatcher online program is quickly catching on. Money is required to be spent for online services, but no requirements are made that enrollees into the program purchase from the company’s long list of pre-packaged foods. Those online services include the ability to track the customer’s weight and food intake on a daily basis; having access to weekly progress charts; the availability of nutritional information for more than 40,000 food options; access to more than 3,000 healthy recipes; and the use of track phones designed solely to address WeightWatcher’s best weightloss websites reviews.

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